What is turfing of Grass? 

Sod or turf is grass and the part of the soil beneath it held together by its roots or another piece of thin material. In British English, such material is more usually known as turf, and the word “sod” is limited mainly to agricultural senses. When to lay turf. Turf is best laid in midautumn but can be laid any time between midautumn and late winter whenever the soil is not too wet or frosty. In spring and autumn, little mowing is needed so newly-laid turf can be left relatively undisturbed for several weeks.

When should I put grass seed down?

Seed warm weather grass seeds in early spring and into the summer. Wait until temperatures get above 65°F during the day and then seed. This will allow the warm weather grasses to get the benefit of warm temperatures that come with summer while giving them time to become established prior to cooler weather in the fall



